We are about to take a wonderful journey to China to get our precious daughter Savannah Lee-Jean Xiao Rankin. D.O.B. June 19, 2005.Please follow this blog forever.
Well only one more week and our son heads back to Ottawa University, how time goes by so quickly. We also attended for our fourth year in a row the Red Thread Group picnic at Loweville park what a wonderful day, no rain and lots to do. Savannah enjoyed playing with the bubbles, chasing daddy around the park, decorating her own pail and shovel. Its so nice to see all the girls change over the months-years. Savannah is no longer wearing her pull ups in bed (she said I am so big mommy like you now). I can finally say goodbye to all these yipeee.. Savannah loves to do her jigsaw puzzles she can spend anywhere from 10 mins to half hour with Dave and I doing one after the other. Her next favourite thing is to have a tea party with Lucy, Paige and Teddy (Lucy and Paige are her dolls), plus she must set the table for dinner every night, what a great helper.
Sorry I am behind on the blog but its very busy these days with a nearly 3 year old. I hope to download photos after our reunion at the end of this month. Savannah is quite the lady these days and can talk full sentences, her favourite right now is (mommy I am not happy right now and crosses her arms) especially if I ask her to do something she does not want to do. Savannah loves to read to me, she asks me to sit down and she gets me to choose the book then she reads in her own words, she can count to 17, go down the scale on the keyboard, draw the letter S for her name, she knows the street she lives on and can put her shoes on, shirt on and jacket by herself. Savannah every day tells me I am her best friend and she loves me lots and lots, It just makes my day. She loves to shop with me, and ask me "Mommy lets shop"and again I think she is on a growth spurt eating up a storm at the babysitters, meatloaf, turkey, veggies, mashed potatoes. At night she goes down at 7:30pm, hugs me several times and says "See you in the morning". Savannah goes to gymnastics every Saturday and is the leader in her group, she amazes us on what she can do. We hope to start our swimming lessons in July, and waiting to start Cantonese classes. Savannah has an amazing sense of direction, she knows which way to turn to go home and where the mall is, and where Aunt Cindy lives she shocks the heck out of us. Anyways, lots happening with our little princess and I hope to update in these couple of weeks with photos etc.
When I look back at the last 17 years and where I am today I feel blessed and lucky to have just about everything I want and need. Our family is complete, we have 3 wonderful children, and when I talk to my relatives in England and give them updates on the boys and their lives here in Canada I almost break down, because I am proud of what I have accomplished. I have a wonderful husband who I would not swap for anyone or anything, we do just about everything together. Savannah just brings so much joy to the family, even her 22 year old brother can't wait to see her at night when I arrive home from daycare. This just cuts me up, when I take her to bed at night and its getting soooo much better, she grabs my neck while lying down and says "Mommy I lus you" and says it over and over again and then says "one more time mommy" she won't let go, I feel so loved by her and we know for sure she feels the same from us. I never thgouth I would say this, but some night I don't want to put her to bed I want to spend all the time with her and I can't wait for weekends she is so much fun to be around. She tells me she is busy now, but she does help around the house cleaning, feeding fish, her favourite is watering the plants. Well Feb 28th at 10:40am it will be 2 years that I received the call from CB. See time never stands still for anyone. So as one son arrives home next week for reading week the other goes off to sunny Cancun with his friends. Savannah will then be confused for sure, one shows up and one leaves. Well we should see what Saturday brings its Gymnastics time again in Mississauga, I know how much she loves to jump and climb. So as far as learning she is doing just fine exactly what a 2.5 year old should be doing, ABC's all the way, all colours 1-12 in counting, her street address and then last but not least I ask her where she is from and she say's China. Savannah is truly a daddy's girl when Dave tells me what she gets away with in the morning when I have left for work, its not good. But he's having fun with it, and I can handle it Savannah knows when I say "No" its meant. When I think we went 1.5 years every single night sitting on her bed for 20mins-1.5 hours and for the last 2 months we have stopped that, no nap and now I can take baths at night, read, watch my favourite Coronation Street and basically get caught up with my husband. Having two sons that are totally independent, good at what they do, value money, and understand life as it is today makes it much more easier. You only get out of life what you put in..... that's my motto to our kids.
Once there were two women