Chinese New Year

Today we went to Thornhill where we celebrated Chinese New Year with the children's Bridge Organization. There were lots of people and even though Savannah is fighting off a cold right now she had fun. We met up with Joanne and her little girl from our group, it was so nice to see them, also Simon and Elizabeth with their son. Savannah has been fighting a cold all week, and finally we took her to the clinic Saturday because her left eye was sticky and I was scared for pink eye. But thank god it is a blocked tear duct due to her cold. So yet again she is on antibiotics and eye drops. Her first week at daycare seems to be ok, she is not settled in yet though. One thing I did learn this weekend was when she does not like a certain food (its NO from her) and I mean loud. I also asked her to put her coat on and again NO. So we are now reaching the two stage, terrible two. But like I did with my sons I just go with the flow and it soon passes. I cannot get over how cold her hands are feet are all the time, and I mean cold. She wear socks to bed, and if I put a thick sweater on her, her hands still are cold. I can't wait for the spring/summer. I have attached a photo from today.