Last Report

Saturday we finished our 12 month report. We met with our social worker for approx one hour. Savannah was very good through the whole thing, she sat and watched her video teletubbies.
Above are photos of Savannah on her new bike that she totally adores and insists it stays in the hallway, and the other shots are because Savannah will stand anywhere in/out of the house and say "Cheese" which means take my photo mom and dad. Not sure if I mentioned in my last post but Savannah is now 81cm and weighs 20lbs, she is above average for her height on the Asian chart. Her specialist does not want to see her now for six months, he was very pleased with her growth over the last 1.5 months and her health. Even though Savannah screamed through the whole appointment she was a happy camper to say goodbye for a while. Sunday we went over to our friends and Savannah decides to jump on there trampoline (yes the adult size) I will try and send a photo once I receive, she just loved jumping and falling down it scared the xxxx out of me. Sunday Savannah also said for the first time four words in a row, "where are you la la" her teletubbie friend. You are problably wondering why Savannah has her hair up most of the time, she sweats so much and it looks awful when it sticks to her, plsu the back is getting long and it keeps it tidy most of the time, she is very good at keeping her elastics in and she even likes bows. Well the two eye teeth came through and we can see them now, thank god they took a while (thanks mom for the bongela you sent from England) this works wonders instant relief. Well this Wednesday its her first soccer game at daycare I will try and get a copy of a photo if I can. I think Savannah has ditched Liam and now likes Luke, this is all she points to on her class photo. (ooppsss sorry about all the photos I added a couple more than I should).