We are about to take a wonderful journey to China to get our precious daughter Savannah Lee-Jean Xiao Rankin. D.O.B. June 19, 2005.Please follow this blog forever.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


Sorry I am behind on the blog but its very busy these days with a nearly 3 year old. I hope to download photos after our reunion at the end of this month. Savannah is quite the lady these days and can talk full sentences, her favourite right now is (mommy I am not happy right now and crosses her arms) especially if I ask her to do something she does not want to do. Savannah loves to read to me, she asks me to sit down and she gets me to choose the book then she reads in her own words, she can count to 17, go down the scale on the keyboard, draw the letter S for her name, she knows the street she lives on and can put her shoes on, shirt on and jacket by herself. Savannah every day tells me I am her best friend and she loves me lots and lots, It just makes my day. She loves to shop with me, and ask me "Mommy lets shop"and again I think she is on a growth spurt eating up a storm at the babysitters, meatloaf, turkey, veggies, mashed potatoes. At night she goes down at 7:30pm, hugs me several times and says "See you in the morning". Savannah goes to gymnastics every Saturday and is the leader in her group, she amazes us on what she can do. We hope to start our swimming lessons in July, and waiting to start Cantonese classes. Savannah has an amazing sense of direction, she knows which way to turn to go home and where the mall is, and where Aunt Cindy lives she shocks the heck out of us. Anyways, lots happening with our little princess and I hope to update in these couple of weeks with photos etc.