Savannah and Santa

Its been an interesting couple of weeks. We went to the Santa Claus Parade downtown Toronto, only for a short while. Then Savannah had her 6 month check up with our social worker. All went very well, she is ahead of the game doing things an 18 month old plus can do. She can build 7 blocks, say 11 words, point to 9 parts on the body, feed herself with a fork, climb stairs, (oh yes do the splits). She tells me what she wants to eat by going to the cupboard and pointing, or saying milk or juice for a drink. We then took her to see Santa in our local mall, all went well she did not cry. Thought I would take a shot of her sleeping, this is my time yipeee I get one whole hour from 11am-12noon. She is now becoming a daddies girl big time, she runs to him when he comes home and just loves being with him. (I'm just the cook, cleaner and bottlewasher ha ha). We went to see Ross's hockey game and he scored a couple of goals, it was so sweet to see her clap when he scored and blew him a kiss. Well its the calm before the storm, her three cousins come in 2 weeks from England, she has already met them when Savannah and I went over in September. Savannah and the dog are best friends, its so funny to see them go during the day. Well its test night this Friday coming Ross is babysitting (yes we are going out, first time in 6.5 months alone)to my employers xmas party, can't wait. We are allowed 3 hours max. Ross has already said he wants to go out by 10:30pm. We just want to thank everyone for the last couple of months for their kindness and support, the last couple of months have been nothing but tests, but we are through with all that now. Savannah has made lots of friends at the playgroups we go to four times per week, even if its only for one hour. I know our family are for sure looking forward to celebrating xmas this year, we feel like Savannah has been with us since birth. She keeps us on our feet that's for sure.