Mom back to work Savannah in full-time daycare
Well its all systems go with Savannah, her teachers just love her. Not sure how Savannah feels about them. Dave takes her in the mornings and spends approx 15 mins with her, then hands her over that is the hard part. But after 5 mins she is fine and wants to play. She has learned how to say tiptoe and balance on her tippy toes, she says purple, hot dog. As for the potty training we are taking it slow if you rush this kind of thing it can bounce back at you. So she does tell us she wants to go, and now sits on the potty with pants on, (go figure). So with help from the daycare we can do this. Once I get to the daycare at 4:30pm all I see is Savannah say Mama and runs to me it is an amazing feeling. As for gymnastics well we can't keep up with her, Dave and I take turns one watches and one stays with her vice versa. She has a cold right now one of the 10 colds a year the specialist said any baby gets. Well she is 20month on the 19th I can't believe where the time has gone. I am considering putting her into a bed with a guard early May/June, I think she will sleep much better.