The Baptism

Well she was a little ham today, I have attached the photo of all three children at the church. She kept her hat on which was wonderful and she did not cry until the minister decided to put the water on her. Thank you to her godparents, Cheryl, Cindy and Chan the best decision ever. Next on the list is a sweat test for Savannah November 8th, this is (keeping our fingers crossed) to rule out Cystic Fibrosis. She now weighs in at 15lbs 11oz and is now 75cm and on the chart finally for her height. One thing she loves to do is run and I mean run like a crzy woman, and loves to climb on anything and everything. She now wears her hair in pigtails and I can get her to keep them in for at least half a day. Well its back to our routine again this week three times to playgroup and swimming with mommy.