Updates-How Quickly Time Goes By
Well only one more week and our son heads back to Ottawa University, how time goes by so quickly. We also attended for our fourth year in a row the Red Thread Group picnic at Loweville park what a wonderful day, no rain and lots to do. Savannah enjoyed playing with the bubbles, chasing daddy around the park, decorating her own pail and shovel. Its so nice to see all the girls change over the months-years. Savannah is no longer wearing her pull ups in bed (she said I am so big mommy like you now). I can finally say goodbye to all these yipeee.. Savannah loves to do her jigsaw puzzles she can spend anywhere from 10 mins to half hour with Dave and I doing one after the other. Her next favourite thing is to have a tea party with Lucy, Paige and Teddy (Lucy and Paige are her dolls), plus she must set the table for dinner every night, what a great helper.
We only have one more week for swimming lessons then she will be back there in the fall, its back into gymnastics starting September and skating on a Sunday with daddy. Her energy level to gets bigger and bigger, she is such an entertainer every night for Dave and I she puts on a show. The latest phrase she said was the other night out of the bath I asked her to sit still while I blow dry her hair her comment was : I can't do anything anymore, I just about fell on the floor laughing. Savannah is still in her home daycare where she gets all the love and attention she needs during the day, she is for sure getting ready for the big days (school) it scares us she just wants to be a big girl too quickly.
We can see Savannah either excelling in gymnastics or music for sure, she plays her little piano (can't enroll her until she is 4 for piano lessons), dances up a storm for us most nights and has us all doing gymnastics. Now here's the latest.
She has started handing out books to Dave and I and her brother and guess who is the teacher (yes Savannah) we have to put our hand out and say "Teacher can I read please, Teacher can I say the ABC with you" she comes over to you with her hand on her hips and says "yes go ahead" it is priceless, I look at myself and say what am I doing, our daughter has taken over hee hee. She brings so much joy to us and does everything we do, loves her friends and is just a delight to be around all the time. yes she is 3 and yes she has her moments, but she is loved by all and her brothers just adore her.
We have done it again and booked another cruise, this time the Disney Cruise in January just the 3 of us, as the boys will be busy in school/working. I am sooo looking forward to this not sure who is the child here.
No photos on this post, maybe next time
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