Finally a photo with her big brother Karl. Karl just adores Savannah, I hear him say I love you
everytime he sees her, its so cute. Well its been a very interesting weekend. It started off with Saturday and the trip to the mall was awful. Savannah, would not sit in the stroller, would not sit in the high chair for breakfast and would not walk next to mommy and daddy in the mall. So with a screaming soon to be two year old we left the mall. Savannah also hates the car seat, if Dave and I are talking and we are not talking to Savannah she screams loud until I turn around in the car and she stops, (its like look at me, pay attention to me). Look at the little miss innocent in her garden chair. She no has an passion and its shoes and hats. She wants her shoes off when mommy does, she wants her hat on all the time, I made her take it off for the photo. She puts her hat on even when she is ready for bed its so funny. Shoes, well Savannah decides what shoes she is wearing that day. She loves to t
ake her socks off, then pulls down and her pants and wants to run wild around the house. Her new move is skipping, I could not
believe my eyes. Here's a good one for you, when mommy goes to the bathroom Savannah has to come to dragging her potty around. She sits on it, pants on still and waits, its so funny she even starts to grunt. She can repeat any word we say, she knows now to say please when she asks for anything. More and more double words are coming out now, its so nice to see. Saturday we went for a bike ride, her brother Ross said "isn't it dangerous on the bike for her" he is the protective one, Savannah was on the back of my bike in her bike seat she loved every minute of it. One thing that is
driving me mad right now is she is climbing on the coffee table in the family room, I say get down and she points her finger at me as if to say "no mommy" We have been
watching Barnie and there is a part when they tap dance, I am teaching Savannah to point her toes and her heels and she has it down pat. One more year and I will put her in dance,jazz, tap. Not sure if she has spring allergies, her nose will run for days then stop for a couple and start again, could be her teething. Well I went through her closet again today and pulled out more clothes that are too small and replaced them with 18-24 month old clothes. This morning at 7am which would be 12 noon in England, Savannah brought the telephone to me and said
Nana, she wanted me to call my mom, so I did Savannah yells down the phone "hi
Nana" love you. I think after hearing Savannah and seeing photos my parents could be here in august for a couple of weeks.