Sorry its been so long since I updated. But we have a full schedule with 3 kids (so to speak). Savannah is just our little whiz kid who amazes us with everything she says and does. She is excelling in gymnastics, swimming and now we are signing her up for dance. She loves her puzzles, from 24 piece - 5 piece alone with no help, she says words even I have a hard time saying, like
unbelievable, absolutely,
definitely. In gymnastics she does
tumbles on the beams, tumbles over on the bars small and large, jumps on the
trampoline so
high and can stop at the clap of hands. She does the splits, brings her leg up one side
straight she is for sure double jointed.
Recognizes her letter (most of them), her name, knows her home address. Sleeps
through (don't speak too soon) but goes to bed at 7:30pm and sleeps until 6:30am or later. Dresses herself, I need to get in there sometimes, brushes her hair, washes her face and clean her teeth with no help. (yes she says no help mommy). Speaks some Chinese, will soon learn french. She will be enrolled into
pre-school in the New Year at a Montessori Private School. She will learn french, math,
English, history she also goes to gymnastics once a month with her school.. she loves her daycare providers right now. As you can see we have photos from our trip to the pumpkin farm,
Halloween costume and some photos we had taken of her for our family room. She loves the outdoors we are out every chance we can get, at the farms, waterfront, bike riding. Daddy takes her skating every
Sunday, now she gets up on her own if she falls, and can walk towards daddy with again no help. Her best friend is Liam, she is so excited when we talk about seeing Liam and his sister. Savannah, is
petite, as you all know, but smart as a whip, energetic, and has a memory like a genius its scary. I myself joined the gym 3 times a week to keep up the energy needed to cope with her
hee hee. the cruise is getting closer, all she talks about is Mickey Mouse, we have booked breakfast with
Cinderella, (she's such a
girly girl). Next year daddy and I are taking her camping this should be fun. She's a big sister to her big
brothers, and puts them in their place for sure. Hope to keep up the blog as much as I can, we are having so much fun its like we are kids again all over. (sorry about one of the photos sideways, did not know how to change over on the blog)