May 7th and 8th

Tuesday we completed more paperwork and then went to the supermarket to buy, cookies, juice, baby cereal. Savannah is now legally ours. We were in bed again at 8am, she woke up at 3am for some cereal, she will not take anything from the bottle. I have to spoon feed her the formula. She has Karl's personality and Ross's energy for sure. Wednesday we are off to the Temple of Heaven to have her blessed by the monks, should be interesting she will probably wack one of them on the head.
She is a darling, her brothers will be so thrilled. We fly back to Beijing Saturnday not Friday. She has her passport photo taken and would not look at the camera. When she does not want food she pushes your hand away or keeps her mouth closed tight.
We tried to bath her (not good she hates it). Savannah looks like the size of a 5-6 month old, but that's ok with her attitude and personality she will be able to defend herself. We met with the Directors of the orphanage Monday and they said she is very brave. she is, she can do the splits and I am not joking, she holds onto the crib and walks around it, shakes it like King Kong.
I hope to keep up with the blog every day, because we have a full itinerary every day its hard. -Kaye.
Happy Birthday to my wife!-Dave