Photos as promised
Well as you can see my mom has made a real mess of my bangs, and its picture day this week at daycare. Savannah has her best friend with her Barnie (she calls barbie). Daddy and Savannah on the swings and she totally refused to come of until I pointed at the tunnel which you can see she loves. I am trying so hard to get a photo of the boys but getting them all together is not easy. We are having family photos taken mid May so hopefully I can scan one and put it on the blog. Savannah, has yet another cold this is probably her 8th cold since September. It came very fast started Friday night and now full blown with a cough. The photo with her outside next to the flower lady is again Savannah's imaginary friend. When we ask where is Ross, she says (work) when we ask where is Karl she says (bed). Savannah does not eat much at breakfast but we have figured it out, or should I say Dave has. He puts some special 'K' cereal out and says this is mama's cereal and she eats it, amazing what works. We went for breakfast yesterday with Dave's parents I cannot believe the amount of people who stare at us, they all point to Savannah say "How cute" they ask "How Old" "What is her name", this has been going on now for 11 months. Wherever we go, Tim's; the mall; walking; swimming; you name it, it never ever fails. There have only been a couple of times when we have received the (oh! she's adopted look), but thank god no-one has said anything to us, I would not be able to keep my response to myself. Next week is one year since I left work, we are having so much fun (even with the sick days) of Savannah being in our lives. She is 110% fully comfortable with her family. One cute story to tell, at daycare her teacher Angie, says the photo we give them of all five of us is displayed on the shelf, everyday Savannah holds it and says, my Dada, my mams, Ross, Karl and hold it close to her. How cute is that, even when someone comes to the house she always introduces us and knows fully that we are her parents. When we are out at a restaurant, and someone says hi, she points to us and announces mama and Dada. Savannah loves routine I had that figured out six months ago. She knows bedtime, lunch time and dinner time. I only have to say bath time and she heads for the stairs. She is not too keen on having her teeth cleaned, so I will work on that one (even though she only has 10, cutting more as we speak). We are so looking forward to the summer, Savannah loves to be outside. We are taking day tips this year, and saving the big holiday for Xmas when we are all going away for Xmas hopefully somewhere hot. One funny thing Savannah says now which just makes us laugh, if Ross has friends over Savannah says (Hi Guys), even in the restaurant yesterday she leaned over and said to the people having breakfast (Hi Guys) it is so funny. We are teaching her double words now, and trying to get three words in. When Dave dropped her off the other day at daycare, her friend Mira came over they did (Big Hug) and ran off to play, Dave stood there in amazement she is now comfortable with her surroundings at daycare, and has made at least 4 friends.