I Love My Horse
She's Walking.............finally her brother was upstairs with her and let go of her hands, she walked all over the landing, into the bedrooms, its hilarious her hands are up in the air. I was so excited, but on another note terrified, she is so tiny to be walking. Savannah was so proud of herself she giggled all the time she walked. I will download photos soon. Update, well she says eyes, points to them, knows her shoes, anything she wants she points and says (that). We received her blood work back and all is good. Tonight we went to the Mandarin, she was dressed in her Chinese outfit we bought in China, very well behanved I must say, she eats fried rice like a horse......loves it. This year we are taking day trips for vacation along with time at the cottage, and off to England for Xmas to visit the other set of grandparents. Savannah's report from the specialist was good, she exceeds the chart for her development, (throws a ball, climbs the stairs, climbs up the slide in the backyard, kicks a ball, loves the computer).