England for Savannah and Mom Sept 19-Oct 1st
Well we had a wonderful visit as you can see from the photos. We were chased by ducks in one of the parks, we went to Laural and Hardy museum only 20 minutes from my home town. She is with her grandparents on one photo who totally spoiled her and wanted to keep her in England. Devonne her cousin just adored her, Savannah even had the chance to go in the pink limo with her cousin for her 13th birthday. The flight was great midnight flight outbound and first class home(thanks daddy). It was a little tough as customs in England, no juice, I had to taste all the baby dinners, and they damaged my stroller. Savannah immediately bonded with her grandparents and cousins, she was a doll. Then we came home and she was sick and so was I, stomach flu for one week. Now she is back at it, running, laughing, and keeping us all on our toes. Next big day is one week today The Christening. I will download photos after next week of the five of us. Her brothers just adore her every day. She knows words like, mouth, eyes, hair, mom, dadda, cat, ball, no, milk. She is learning sign language and knows 3 signs up to now. She still is only tiny but a whizz kid I must say. Climbs stairs, runs from one end of the hall to the other, her sleeping is getting back on track after the jet lag last week, she sleeps from 7:30pm - 6am. We have now started her on daily vitamins, because she is so tiny she will catch a cold, cough within seconds. Swimming lessons, and gymnastics in January, then her brother can't wait to get her on skates this time next year. Stay tuned for the christening photos soon.