One Step Forward Two Steps Back
The last couple of weeks have been very interesting I must say. Savannah is for sure testing us with the terrible two's however saying that and having raised two boys it does not come as a shock, this usually starts around 20 month and can last to at least 3.5 years. The last week we have been experiencing some rough nights where she would scream for 1-2 hours straight, holding her body stiff and lashing out at me. Having seeing the doctors and doing some research I finally offered a few comforting objects to Savannah. One being a soother, Savannah has never had the bottle or a soother at all even in China, she calls it her baby, she will hold it in her hand and at night put in her mouth until she falls asleep, the other is an article of mine with my scent on (this being a soft sock clean of course) and she wears this on her leg before she falls asleep. Last night she slept almost right through the night without any screaming. The other thing we found is she is for sure going through separation anxiety more so now since we switched daycares. I cannot go anywhere in the house unless she is with me. One thing we have done is cut her nap to one hour having two hour naps does not work for her and she would not sleep until after 9pm, and then be totally exhausted when she has to get up at 6am before I head to work. All this is very trying, but it does not last for long, Dave and I both support each other and before we know it she will be going to school. Savannah loves her ABC board, she can remove all the letters and put each one back in the correct spot, she counts to five, and it totally out of diapers (however obsessed with the toilet and refuses the potty only will use the big girl toilet like mommy). We are hoping she settles down before we head off on our cruise at xmas, the key to all this with Savannah is keep her busy, she has lots of energy and loves to run around and play. I think I can honestly say she will be out of her nap by 2.5 which is xmas. Well my parents arrive next week for 9 days, this should be interesting for all of us and Ross comes home for thanksgiving. No photos to add at this point, just wanted to update what's happening. The funniest thing is we could be anywhere and she will yell out me poop, me poop when she means pee and we have to find the nearest toilet, so this is one of the things Dave and I do when we go anywhere is check out where the facilities are so we know where to head when she's ready. The joys of raising a toddler.
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