Gotcha Day and Pasta Day

Savannah with her brother Ross, she adores him along with Karl they are best buddies. As you can see from the other photo I went to Ottawa Friday with Ross to tour the univeristy he will be attending we had so much fun, however I left Savannah with daddy and this is what happens, pasta is one her favourite foods she just loves the source can't you tell. Thursday after daycare I was informed that Savannah has a boyfriend his name is Liam, he holds her hand around the classroom and even fetches her shoes to put on at recess time, the teacher said its so funny to see them toegether, they are like too old people. Savannah has also started to defend herself, being small the other girls in ther class thinks she is a baby, but now Savannah is looking after herself once somethine is snatched from her she goes to get it. One good thing is she says please and thank you according to her teacher.
Yesterday we went on a long bike ride it is one her her favourite things to do outside, she sits ont he back singing away, patting my back we stopped off at dairyqueen she does not like ice cream that much she is a chocolate lover instead. Her vocabulary is getting better every day, she must be able to say at least 50 words now and communication is getting much easier. But I must say the terrible two's are awful, she has one very strong attitude and temper, so I have go back back 18 years and try to remember what I did then. Sorry for the photos sideways I will try and rotate them next time, I can't change them once I have them in the blog unless someone knows how to drop me a note.

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