September 10th updates

Sorry I have been slow too much going on. Ross has now settled into Ottawa University, we met with our friends last week Heather and Steve here are Savannah and Charlotte best buddies holding hands how cute is this. Well we are now on day 4 of the big bed and all is well, also the diaper thing is coming along just fine for now. Today is her new daycare (home daycare) so lots of changes for our little princess. My parents are coming from England Sept 28th - October 8th and Ross will be home for thanksgiving. It is incredible how much these girls change, and their attitude well that's another story. Savannah above at the park near Charlotte's house in Ottawa. It was great to see Heather and Steve along with the two girls. We plan on making a trip back to Ottawa to visit Ross in November. I just love Ottawa it was my first time, its just like back home in England, I could walk everywhere. Our first son is on his last year and hopes to graduate next year from McMaster. Anyways, I hope to update more just you know how it is with a 2 year old no time.
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