Long Weekend

This weekend was a great weekend to get things done at home. Saturday we had a quick drive to Niagara Falls and Niagara on the Lake, we were going to take the bikes but we passed since Dave's needed breaks. The bike is a must with Savannah Sunday her and I went over 5 k on the bike she was singing the Barnie song all the time, (its funny she can actually sing "I love you" you love me"), we stopped at Tim's for our muffin and my coffee and then took off through the parks and ravines one hour later we were back home. Monday we hung around the house, planting and cleaning Savannah had her news shades on from Niagara on the Lake. I was approached by a Chinese guy, about late 60's and asked me if I was Savannah's biological mom, I looked and said "no" but I am her mommy., he was nice and then asked where she was from and even guessed her age. He said "in China small girls are very lucky girls" I said I hope so. We are ready for our 12 month report next Saturday, it will be nice to see our social worker again. Savannah amazes us, she changes all the time, her features, her vocabulary is great for her age anyways. Her bags have grown back ready to be cut again, I am going to try and hold off. I actually managed to get a small braid in the back of her hair tonight after her bath. She lets me do anything with her hair (at the moment) that will change. We have decided for her 2nd birthday to go to Marineland in her new wagon, and then have family over one day to celebrate. We are off to the paediatrician for our bi-monthly check up on Wednesday I would like to talk to him about allergies, I think for sure she has hay fever. Savannah is very petite for her age, she looks like a porcelain doll, her wrists are the size of a 3 month old, she will be a size zero when she is 20, she is in a size 5.5 shoes right now. but as long as she is healthy I don't mind a petite daughter. Savannah has her first soccer game at daycare next week this should be fun, she can already kick a ball and run after it. She can build 9 blocks, climb the stairs with me behind her, draw a circle her picture is up at daycare its the smallest circle, she can put her coat on and off, take shoes off and pull socks off, she washes her hands at daycare herself. They tell me at daycare she always asks for 3 servings of rice, she adores rice and pasta. Savannah still goes to bed at 7:30pm-8pm, we wait for about 20mins sometimes 10 and then she goes to sleep, I will be glad when she gets her teeth (all of them). One thing that also amazed me this weekend was she went right up on her toes with no shoes on just like a ballerina it looked so painful, she cannot start dance until she is 3. Her brother has another prom to go to this Thursday this time its his girlfriend who is taking him and then off for a few days to Sauble Beach. Considering Dave is a first time dad with babies he has scored 10/10 for sure, he has learnt very quickly and now is helping me out with the two's it get's easier once they hit five I told him.
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