Vacation, Nights, and Psycology

I usually like to put in my title what is happening with all 3 of our children, so this one is vacation week with Savannah, Nights for Ross at his summer job 10-12 hours a night yikes! and Psychology, Karl is taking a summer course on the computer (Athabasca) . Well this week has been interesting I must admit, Dave and I are off all week, we left for the cottage Saturday morning and stayed there until Monday night, it was cold however, Savannah had a blast. You will see from the photos I took at the cottage. she is now wearing pull ups and underwear we are 95% done with diapers except at bedtime, her vocabulary and communication with us all is wonderful, she tells us when she is hungry (she says eat mommy or daddy) and then heads off to her chair, she says poopy or pee-pee and runs to the nearest toilet or potty. One thing we did learn today when we went to Riverside Petting Zoo was Savannah listens to every word we say she did repeat something Dave said when he was mad at a driver on the Queensway, thank god it was not that bad. This week has gone by very quickly, and with Savannah only having one hour nap she goes down to bed around 7:30pm. However, Dave and I have been fighting a cold most of the week. We picked up my new car yesterday and as soon as I went to put Savannah in her car seat she screamed, she did not want to get in it, why? because she is so used to the van and we had to tell her its mommy and daddy's car its OK, and she was fine after 5 minutes. How amazing is that, Savannah knew she was in a different car (like a strangers). Because I have not been feeling the greatest this week, during the night when Savannah wakes and makes a soft cry for about 20 seconds I have left her alone, usually I go in, this makes it worse, she goes off to sleep again and wakes up at 7am or even 8am. Today we witnessed an awful accident on the highway a tractor trailer overturned we were 3 seconds (yes seconds) away from this we just missed it, I called 911 and told them that we witnessed the accident, it was so scary to think how close we were to this tractor trailer sliding. Going back to Savannah, her new playtime is hide, she says mommy go hide and then she comes to find me she just loves playing this game, or we go in the playroom as you can see from the photo she loves to climb and here she is jumping out of her cottage. This week Savannah has been eating like a horse, I can't believe it, she is close to 22 lbs and shooting up in height with this. We are now using big girl chairs in restaurants, she does not like the high chairs. Well the countdown is on for Ross going to Ottawa University, I am so not looking forward to this, but we know for sure he is and I just keep saying he is only a one hour flight away. I just can't believe how the time has gone by so quickly, having a 21 year old, 19 year old and a 2 year old makes our life so very interesting. One thing that was not amusing at the cottage we went into the town and Dave overheard a woman say Savannah looks like an Inuit, he did not tell me until afterwards otherwise I would have said you need to study your nationalities. One woman today when we were out, got up and walked away after giving me a funny look, she looked at me then Savannah and said to her husband let's leave. I really and truly do not understand peoples ignorance and the fact that some people just think they are so perfect, when really they are un-educated. Dave and I talked and if we could do this again for sure we would be back to China, and then to Africa I would have 10 kids if I could. It's great being off with Savannah even though its only a week, she is so entertaining. Swimming lessons start this Saturday for 10 weeks, then back to gymnastics in the fall. We are all now looking so forward to our xmas vacation as a family in Santa Monica should be very interesting with the huge age gaps, but her brothers love her so much, we tell ourselves every week we are so blessed with this little angel.
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